Creation Period
Be sure to follow our socials to get sneak peeks of work behind the scenes!

Applications Open
Nov 19th - Dec 24th
Application Results Sent Out
Jan 2nd
Check in One
Jan 21st
Check in Two
Feb 25th
Check in Three
March 25th
Final Submission
April 29th
Preorders Open

This is an Raeda fanbook, featuring our lovely couple in canon verse setting. From childhood moments, proposal time to married with their found family we just want to see our lovely couple happy!Book will be 7 x 10 perfect bound. Featuring around 120 pages. We will feature both artists, writers, musicians, alternative media and poets.We also plan to feature merch based on the results of the interest check.

What is the theme of this project? Will AUs be allowed?
This zine will be a general theme. We will not be allowing AUs that could not be canon-compliant (e.g. Tangled AU).
Will other ships be allowed?
Any canon ships will be allowed, and any non-canon ships must be platonic. We ask that Raeda be the main focus on all pieces.
Can I reuse a piece that I have already done?
All pieces for this project must be new.
Are NSFW pieces allowed?
All works are to be safe for work. This is an SFW zine only.
Is this a for-profit or charity project
This project will be for charity and profits made will be donated to PFLAG .
PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. PFLAG’s network of hundreds of chapters and more than 325,000 members and supporters works to create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
How are contributors compensated?
All contributors will get a PDF and should sales goals be met contributors will get a full bundle as well.
How many contributors are you accepting?
We will be accepting 25 page artists, 2-3 merch artists, 5 writers, 2 Poets, 3 Musicians/Alternative Media numbers are subject to change.
Is traditional artwork allowed?
Of course! We would love to feature traditional artwork, and should a contributor go down that route they are still expected to have the artwork sized correctly and placed into our templates.
Will stories and poems be beta-read? And will there be beta writer apps?
Yes, all writing will be beta-read by our writing mods. At this time we are not doing beta writer apps. Writers will be given the option to get feedback from our mods during each check-in and can ask for help at anytime. We also allow the writer to use their own betas if they wish as well; however, all final submissions will beta read by our mods.
Where will this project be shipping from?
The project will ship from Canada. Any VAT or duties will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Who are the mods and what are their experience?
Be sure to check us out in our mod section!

✧ You will be asked to submit three works. You can link posts from your social media accounts to your application.
Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified without notice.
✧ Applications must have at least one TOH artwork included. We highly recommend that you feature at least one Raeda piece or a piece that has either Raine or Eda.
✧ At least one art piece must be fully rendered with a background as well as be in the style you plan to use for the zine.
✧ If you wish to do merch please attach art styles that you think would suit the merch you want to make. No previous experience with merch is needed. We will be providing templates.
✧ Traditional art is allowed.
✧ We will be judging art based on anatomy, coloring, lighting, etc. Keep in mind when submitting, we want to see what you plan to create. So please ensure that your upload works with the style you will most likely use for the zine.

✧ You will be asked to submit three pieces. We require at least one sample be TOH and highly recommended that at least one sample is Raeda.
✧ Make sure to link us to your Ao3, Tumblr,, drive, etc, whatever accounts you use.
Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified without notice.
Writers: the submitted pieces do not have to be from completed fan fiction. It can be a single chapter from an uncompleted, or larger, work. Each writing sample you give us can just be a single chapter or one-shot there is no word limit. The pieces can be AU-themed.
Poets: the submitted poems must be competed.
✧ We will be judging writing based on format (paragraph size, breaks, etc.) writing flow, grammar, characterization, etc. Please send pieces of work that best represent your current style of writing.

✧ You will be asked to submit three pieces.
For Musicians - It can be covers, original music or remixes.
For Alternative Media - It can be video edits, cosplay, animation.
✧ Make sure to link us to your Ao3, Tumblr,, drive, etc, whatever accounts you use.
Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified without notice.
✧ For Alternative media, we will be judging based on uniqueness of content, and how you have transformed the media used. Please send pieces of work that best represent what you would create for the zine.
✧ For musicians, we will be judging based on complexity of work, how it has been transformed and elevated from original media (if it is a cover or remix). Please send pieces of work that best represent what you would create for the zine.

Hidden Applications Password: RaedafortheWIN

Be sure to check out WORK PROCESS section for more information!
Accepted Page Zine Artists are to submit two artwork page pieces or one artwork page piece and one merch.
Accepted Merch Zine Artists are to submit two merch items.
Accepted Zine Writers will submit up to a 4.5K word count story that can be spilt between 1-2 stories.
Accepted Poets will write 2-3 poems.
Accepted Musicians or Alternative Media will create 2-3 digital pieces.

It will be required that contributors join the Discord Server, since it’s going to be our primary form of communication. We will use it from check-ins and announcements to everything in between.Contributors will be given 3 months to finish their pieces for the project.Artists are to submit two artwork page pieces or one artwork page piece and one merch.
Merch Artists are to submit two merch pieces.
Writers will submit up to a 4.5K word count story that can be split between 1-2 stories.
Musicians/Alternative will submit 2 digital pieces that have been created exclusively for this project.
There will be three check-ins that are 3 weeks apart, followed by one month to submit the final submission.Check-In Schedules:
✧ First Check-in: Jan 21
Artists: Sketch is Done
Writers: General Summary
Musician/Alternative: General Idea
✧ Second Check-in: Feb 25th
Artists: Lineart is done and Base Colours Done
Writers: 50% of Work is Done
Musician/Alternative: First Drafts done
✧ Third Check-in: March 25th
Artists: Most of Rendering is Done, just final touch ups.
Writers: Mostly done, and ready for beta edits.
Musician/Alternative: Works mostly done, and in final stages
✧ Final Submission: April 29th
Artists: All work done, saved as PSD file ready to submit.
Writers: Final copy is done and has been fully edited.
Musician/Alternative: Work is done and ready for digital publishing.
All check-ins will be submitted via Google forms that are located in channels in the discord. If a contributor does not fill out the Google form or get in contact with us for an extension we will assume that they have dropped out and are no longer interested in the project. If a contributor wishes to drop out they must contact a mod so that pinch hitters can be contacted. As for pinch hitters, we will do our best to compromise with what they can do to ensure that the work is done in a timely manner without stress.WIPs can be posted but only up to 50% and we ask that you tag our social media so that we can share the love!Thank you so much for your interest in the project!

Role: Head ● Graphics ● Finance/Production ● Shipping

If you loved Luminescence: A Lumity Zine, I was the shipping/production mod behind that project. I am so delighted to bring you goodies for my other OTP Raeda! I have modded over 30+ zines with over 25+ fully competed.My finance and graphics experience includes “Eclipse : A Zuruta Zine” “Thank you Furuba: Fruits Basket Zine” “Seasons of Love: A Netteflix Calendar” “Best Friend Squad Wedding: A She Ra Zine” “Hold On: A Tokka Zine” “Crossroads: A HQ zine” “Domain Expansion : A JJK Zine” "Everlasting: A Hualian Zine" "Silver Millennium: A Sailor Moon Tarot Deck" and many more!

Role: Social Media

Hey, I'm Bre! I love all things gothic, spooky, and macabre. I've modded a few zines and have contributed to even more! I love Owl House for its LGBTQUIA+ representation and humour!My mod experience includes being social media mod for TMM Vol. 2, and Head Mod Inside the Halls.

Role: Writing

Hello! I'm Sri, a writer, tired healthcare worker, zine-lover, and bubble-tea drinker! Raine and Eda are so magical, and I'm so glad to be a part of this zine!I was a writing mod for Head and Heart: An Arankita zine, and contributed to almost 20 zines as a writer!

Role: Art

My name is Maddy and I’m you’re typical 20-something illustration clown! I dabble in too many fandoms to count but if you name it I probably like it.My mod experience includes art mod for Inside the Halls, Hexes and O’s!

Role: General

Hello! I'm Beckers. Experienced writer; dabbling artist. Here to have a fun time and make something amazing!I've modded for a Good Omens zine before (and participated as an artist and/or writer for many others).